Why The Bride Of Habaek Is So Good

1. Filed Under Why: The Bride of Habaek - deepanjana pal - WordPress.com

  • 23 dec 2020 · There are K-dramas that are genuinely good and then there are dramas that are endearing and enjoyable despite being outlandish and/or kitschy.

  • Certain things in the world defy explanation, like yawning; that saffron sheep in the family who loves biriyani and BJP in equal measure; and the fact that I’ve watched almost every episode o…

Filed Under Why: The Bride of Habaek - deepanjana pal - WordPress.com

2. The Bride of Habaek Review: What's Fate? It's a Secret of Nature - Tumblr

  • In my opinion, Hoo Ye had the best character development and story out of everyone. His character was relatable and felt realistic. He was an abandoned child ...

  • Well… first off… sorry for the delayed review. Too many things happened over the summer and then — WHAM — college happened and I became a Senior… from there, my life became a chaotic mess with medica…

The Bride of Habaek Review: What's Fate? It's a Secret of Nature - Tumblr

3. K-Drama Review : The Bride of the Water God - Blogging with Dragons

  • 18 sep 2017 · When the narcissistic water god Habaek (Nam Joo-hyuk) visits earth in order to find a stone powerful enough to help him claim his throne, he seeks out the help ...

  • I had really high expectations for this drama, as it had a story of mythological proportions, but it made the wrong kind of splash.

K-Drama Review : The Bride of the Water God - Blogging with Dragons

4. Kdrama Bride of the Water God Review - The Desi Dragoness Diaries

Kdrama Bride of the Water God Review - The Desi Dragoness Diaries

5. Why I Can't Stop Watching The Bride of Habaek - mariaisquixotic

  • 25 jul 2017 · Because I am a Nam Joo Hyuk & Lee Sung Kyung shipper, I wasn't comfortable that Nam Joo Hyuk will be paired with another lead but then it's Shin ...

  • There's a new Kdrama in town and it's The Bride of Habaek. I learned about it thru iFlix while I was browsing. Now I can't stop watching, wanna know why?The

Why I Can't Stop Watching The Bride of Habaek - mariaisquixotic

6. The Bride of Habaek Review (Korean Drama 2017) | Kes - MyDramaList

  • 18 sep 2020 · The drama starts off pretty great but later on the story got dragged with the plot focusing in the human world. I expected a clash between the ...

  • Gah. The plot is such a huge disappointment or maybe I misunderstood who the real protagonist...

The Bride of Habaek Review (Korean Drama 2017) | Kes - MyDramaList

7. International Dramas: The Bride of Habaek - Oreos & Peanut Butter

  • 26 sep 2021 · Habaek is the water god who must ascend the throne and to do so has to find several sacred stones that are down on earth with the god of sky, ...

  • Screenshot of Nam Joohyuk in ‘The Bride of Habaek’. Copyright goes to Studio Dragon, tvN, and Netflix. Hi! It’s Annie! As I do when I watch K-Dramas, I barely ever just stop with …

International Dramas: The Bride of Habaek - Oreos & Peanut Butter

8. [Korean drama review] The Bride of the Water God 하백의 신부 - Daegorr

  • 31 aug 2017 · The drama gods did not bestow their grace on this fantasy drama. Genre: Romance, fantasy Synopsis: Habaek (Nam Joo Hyuk), the god of water, ...

  • The drama gods did not bestow their grace on this fantasy drama. Genre: Romance, fantasy Synopsis: Habaek (Nam Joo Hyuk), the god of water, arrives on earth to search for the three sacred stones he…

[Korean drama review] The Bride of the Water God 하백의 신부 - Daegorr

9. Review – (Suffering Through) The Bride of the Water God

  • 23 aug 2017 · It's so bad! Plot holes, pointless characters, storylines that go no where, seemingly important things that turn out to be utterly meaningless, and bad fashion.

  • Review – (Suffering Through) The Bride of the Water God I am a sucker for supernatural stories, so of course I signed up for this show the minute it started.  Even though the first episode wa…

Review – (Suffering Through) The Bride of the Water God

10. The Bride of Habaek – Kdrama Review - A Gypsy Sorceress's Library

  • 12 apr 2019 · Another kdrama about an immortal deity with glorious hair, thrust into the perilous world of humankind, where said deity falls madly in love with a woman.

  • Is this officially the first most *bakwaas kdrama I’ve ever watched? Yes, yes it is. Another kdrama about an immortal deity with glorious hair, thrust into the perilous world of humankind, wh…

The Bride of Habaek – Kdrama Review - A Gypsy Sorceress's Library

11. K-Drama Reviews - The Bride Of The Water God - Wattpad

  • Enter Habaek, the great water god played by Nam Joo Hyuk, who is sent to earth to collect sacred stones from the Earth and Air Gods.

  • Read The Bride Of The Water God from the story K-Drama Reviews by misswhateverr with 411 reads. strongwoman, romance, namjoohyuk. This show has Nam Joo Hyuk i...

12. Bride of the Water God 2017: Power and the lack thereof

  • 12 aug 2017 · After being cast out to the human realm for good (and for reasons unknown), Hu-ye gets adopted and tries very hard to make himself fit in.

  • I find Bride’s pace to be a little slow – it’s already ep12, and Habaek is still power-less in the human realm. The romantic front (which the entire show hinges on) is dragging too much on the angs…

Bride of the Water God 2017: Power and the lack thereof

13. The Bride of Habaek (2017) Reviews - MyDramaList

  • The reason I say so is because the "realm of the gods" was only shown briefly, even though it was splendid. And Ha Baek came through to the human's realm ...

  • What would you do if you had to continue a strange family legacy? Yoon So Ah is a pragmatic neuropsychiatrist who carries a tremendous financial burden...

The Bride of Habaek (2017) Reviews - MyDramaList

14. Kdrama Review: The Bride of the Water God (Habaek)

  • 6 okt 2017 · This one is about a dude who just happens to be the Water God. But something has gone wrong in the god world.

  • thoughts on the kdrama Bride of the Water God

Kdrama Review: The Bride of the Water God (Habaek)

15. Bride of the Water God K-drama Review - A Fun Fantasy Romance

  • 25 sep 2017 · Overall, Bride of the Water God is a fun, enjoyable fantasy/paranormal romance story with hilarious and sweet moments.

  • Bride of the Water God is loosely based on the manhwa (Korean comic book) about a water god, Habaek, and his romance with a human girl.

Bride of the Water God K-drama Review - A Fun Fantasy Romance
Why The Bride Of Habaek Is So Good


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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.